Happy Tuesday, and Happy Belated Canada Day to my fellow Canucks!
We spent the day at our town's ski lodge, where there were all different activities: bouncy toys for the younger kids, zip-lining for the teens and adults (looks like fun, but I am NOT brave enough to do that!!), magic show, petting zoo, BBQ...awhole lotta fun. Our church also had their annual Strawberry Social event....yummy strawberries with fresh whipped cream, over homemade biscuits. YUM! They also had a bake sale, with all the proceeds going towards the Breakfast program for the elementary school. Donations of baked goods were encouraged, so I made a few loaves of my Olive Rosemary bread, which sold very quickly, I'm proud to say. :) Some of the church goers are known for certain specialties --it seems breads are mine! :)
Anyhow, it was a fun day for us all.
April with her dad riding a pony. Her first time.
April did not want her face painted, so she opted for her arm:
I thought I had a better shot of her arm. It was a beautiful butterfly--she was so proud!
I had to take a picture of this turkey--he was HUGE! (and kinda scary!)
April was such a big girl and went into the bouncy house several times by herself--yah!
It was a great day! I also had to post this picture of my goofy boys--who were great sports, and a barrel of laughs! They made me laugh continuously... and April, too. Phew!
You'd think I could get a single 'NORMAL' picture of them. Phsaw! yeah, right! lol
When we got home yesterday, we were pretty pooped, but I was feeling the creative groove, so I went to my craft room, and just flowed.
Here's the product of that flow!
I used a little gesso, a little paint,a 'few' buttons, some stickle glue, some Jillibean stickers and Studio Calico letters, and a Unity butterfly stamp. It's not really visible, so here's another shot of it:
So, that is where the flow went. I'm done for today.
Be safe. Get crafty.